The rent prices in real estate in Smithfield, in the Queensland region have fallen considerably in the last couple of months. There has been a strong fall in the rent prices in this city.
The price per m² in Smithfield has had a strong fall during the last 6 months. In March, the average price per m² was $0.77. In April this price barely changed remaining at $0.77 per m². The price for the following two months in (May, June) fell 86 % with regard to the previous two months. The price per m² has had a considerable fall of 70 % in the last two months compared to the average price for the previous four months. This was obtained by comparing the first four months of the period going from a price per m² of $0.72 to $0.5 during July, and August.
When referring to the price in Smithfield (suburbs), this has fallen in the last 6 months. The rent price in March is $575, rising in April till $610. In the following two months the average price has hardly changed with regard to the previous two months from $592.5 to $589.5. During the last two months the average price has fallen greatly compared to the previous four going from $591 to $440.5, which means a 75 % fall.