Property types in Glen Innes

The parish town of Glen Innes has a population of less than six thousand people and can be found to the northeast of Sydney. This interesting historic township is situated high above sea level and is surrounded by picturesque rolling countryside. Glen Innes features some charming residential areas, which come complete with plenty of amenities such as shops, pretty parks, restaurants and a selection of nearby schools.

Following the heritage walk through Glen Innes is the perfect way to get a feel for the rich history and beauty of the town. The heritage walk begins at the corner of Ferguson and Grey streets and includes local landmarks such as the Royal Hotel and the Land of the Beardies History House, which has been transformed into an interesting folk museum.

Glen Innes is particularly pretty in the autumn, and this is the perfect season to spend time in the town’s parks. Nature lovers will also want to take the time to explore the large and lovely Gibraltar Range National Park and Washpool National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage listed attraction.

Searching for sapphires and other types of gems is a popular activity among both the residents of Glen Innes and visitors. Among the different types of gems that lucky gem hunters may be able to find are zircon and topaz. The people of Glen Innes celebrate their good fortune every September with the Gem and Mineral Festival, which attracts people from all over New South Wales.

People who choose to relocate to Glen Innes will have plenty of time to explore the New England Tablelands region. Some of the enchanting natural attractions that are just waiting to be discovered here include the Australian Standing Stones, the Stonehenge Recreation Reserve and Moredun Valley.

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